Newsflash City Centre Neighbourhood Network
Dear residents and interested parties,
A brief news summary from the municipality regarding the city centre.
1. Progressive parking rate 1 July 2024
From 1 July 2024, different rules will apply at various parking spots in Maastricht. Several parking spots now have a maximum parking duration. This is particularly the case within the city centre. From 1 July 2024, we will change this to a progressive parking rate. This is because, due to a court ruling, we can no longer apply a maximum parking duration from 1 July 2024. As we still want to limit long-stay parking in these places as much as possible, a progressive rate will be introduced.
This page gathers all information and answers the most frequently asked questions: Progressive parking tariff | Municipality of Maastricht
2. Road subsidence on Boschstraat/Markt
Last Friday morning, a road subsidence occurred at the corner Boschstraat/Markt. The municipality is currently investigating the cause of the subsidence. Boschstraat is closed in both directions.
How long the closure will last is still unknown. The rainy weather is complicating the repair work. As soon as weather conditions allow, the municipality will investigate the cause and repair the subsidence. We regret the inconvenience and will do our utmost to resolve the situation as soon as possible.
Buses will be diverted, causing the Boschstraat/Markt bus stop to be temporarily cancelled. Taxis cannot stop there until further notice. A diversion route via Kesselskade/Hoenderstraat will be set up for supply traffic using Markt.
Kind regards,
The board of the City Centre Neighbourhood Network