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Newsletter August 2024

by | 14 August 2024

Dear residents and interested parties,

This newsletter’s topics:


  1. Maastricht citizens’ budget
  2. Lambert’s flea market
  3. Preuvenemint 2024
  4. Centre survey
  5. Progress on conversion of former V&D premises
  6. New (board) members sought
  1. Maastricht citizens’ budget (Burgerbegroting)

In a Citizens’ Budget, residents decide together where some of the public money will be spent. This year, projects can be submitted within 4 themes. For each theme, part of the total budget is available. The total budget this year amounts to almost €800,000. Citizens’ Budget Maastricht is all about implementing projects submitted by residents and chosen by residents. This is why the municipality is asking in the city to publicise Citizen’s Budget.

Submissions from 19 August to 15 September

Project plans can be submitted from 19 August to 15 September. This can be done via the website of Citizen’s Budget Maastricht. There you will find lots of information and tips. People who want help can contact Team Burgerbegroting via e-mail address or phone number 043 350 4747.

More information can be found in the flyer and on the Citizens’ Budget website.

Download the flyer

For more information

  1. Lambert’s flea market

 A flea market will be held on Sunday 8 September from 9am to 4pm around St Lambert’s Church on Queen Emma Square. The market is free to enter. If you would like to participate in the market, please send an email to One can register until 25 August. There is no charge for doing so. There is only a limited number of places, so be quick.

  1. Preuvenemint 2024

Preuvenemint is the largest open-air culinary festival in the Benelux and will take place at ‘t Vrijthof for the 41st time next year. From Thursday 22 August to Sunday 25 August, you can enjoy food, drinks and live music on the famous square.

For more information, visit the Preuvenemint website. (only in Dutch)

  1. Centre survey

As indicated earlier, it was not possible to launch the survey in spring. The questions for the survey were recently finalised by the project team. Work is currently underway on both a web and paper version. As soon as this is ready, you will be informed via e-mail or mailbox. The aim is to launch the survey in the second half of September for residents and entrepreneurs in the city centre. This includes not only the city centre, but also the postcode areas 6211 (Kommelkwartier, Jekerkwartier, Statenkwartier, Boschstraatkwartier) and partly 6221 (Wyck/Céramique, Sint Maartenspoort). The survey can also be completed in English.

  1. Redevelopment former V&D premises

Work on the former V&D building at 5-15 Grote Staat is back in full swing from 12 August.

On the night of 18-19 August 2024, a fixed tower crane will be installed on the stairwell on the Five Herrings Street side. The supply of the tower crane and necessary equipment will take place Sunday, 18 August, from about 6.30pm. Work will continue through that night, including the erection of a mobile crane to place the tower crane and the laying down of the equipment on which the mobile crane stands on the street. Although measures have been taken to minimise noise pollution, such as turning off truck engines, it is unfortunately not possible to do this completely noise-free.


Want to keep up to date with progress? Then download the “Bouw App” on your mobile phone.

The project name is “Herontwikkeling pand V&D Maastricht” by CBRE Investment, on which you should search. It is only in Dutch mentioned.


  1. New (board) members sought

Last spring, Jesse Léger stepped down as secretary of the City Centre Neighbourhood Network. We are still looking for new members for our board or to support us in other ways. Are you interested? Then contact us at We will then contact you for an interview.

Finally, we wish you beautiful (after) summer days.

The board of the City Centre Neighbourhood Network,

Bèr Prevot

Khanny Boy

Marco Maessen

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